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ChatPay Ethics

Data Collection and Usage

At ChatPay, we collect data directly from our users, ensuring transparency and fairness in our practices. Our users are compensated for their contributions, receiving payment for the valuable data they provide. This data is used exclusively for training artificial intelligence models and is never utilized for advertising purposes.

Commitment to Privacy

We prioritize user privacy and are committed to ensuring that all personal information is handled with the utmost care. Our data collection processes are designed to anonymize or pseudonymize user information, protecting individual identities while still enabling effective AI training.

Regulatory Compliance

ChatPay is fully aligned with the principles of the AI Act and complies with all relevant regulations that are coming into force. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical practice in AI development, ensuring that our operations are transparent, accountable, and respectful of user rights.

No Advertising

Unlike many other platforms, ChatPay does not collect data for advertising purposes. Our focus is solely on advancing AI technology through the ethical and responsible use of user data. We believe in creating a future where AI respects privacy and benefits society as a whole.

Your data, your consent, your money