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ChatPay FAQ

What is ChatPay?

ChatPay is a Telegram Miniapp that lets Telegram users monetize their chats by sharing them to help train AI. All chats are stripped of personal data through anonymization or pseudonymization. Users are rewarded with $WORD tokens, which can be easily converted to cash. Currently, the app is in the beta phase, so not all functionalities are available at the moment. Stay updated by following our social media, checking the roadmap, or joining our community on Discord.

How does it work?

  1. Log in to check the value of your chats.
  2. Choose the Telegram chats you want to sell.
  3. Your conversation partners are messaged for consent: Once approved, you receive a notification.
  4. Sold chats are then anonymized, tagged, and bundled into datasets.
  5. As soon as the chat is sold, you receive your share of the revenue.

Isn't it great?

How are you gonna pay me?

Payouts will be made to your TON Connect wallet using a utility token called $WORD, which will be available soon. Until $WORD is launched, you will be rewarded with in-game points stored on the TON blockchain.

I don't speak crypto: can I get good ol' cash?

Not yet. But creating a wallet is really easy, and from there you can convert $WORD into the currency you prefer. This process ensures your transactions are secure and verifiable, protecting your earnings from fraud. Additionally, using $WORD allows us to offer special rewards and incentives to enhance your experience on the platform.

I'm a crypto native: Tell me more about $WORD.

Sure thing! $WORD is our native token on the TON blockchain. It’s your golden ticket in the ChatPay ecosystem. Earn $WORD by sharing your chats, stake it for juicy rewards, and unlock premium features. For all you de-gens out there, we’re also cooking up some epic partnerships within the TON ecosystem to boost $WORD’s value. So, stay tuned, hodl tight, and get ready to moon! 🚀

How much can a conversation be worth?

The value of a conversation can vary based on several factors such as its length, quality, and relevance to AI training. While exact payouts can differ, engaging and meaningful conversations typically earn more. As we refine our valuation system, you'll be able to see estimated values for your chats directly within the app.

How and where are my conversations stored?

At the moment, ChatPay does not store any conversations. We only store the chat identification number of the chats that users decide to sell. In the future, only if all participants in a chat decide to sell their conversation, it will be stored with all personal data anonymized or pseudonymized to protect user privacy.

So you’re not into personal data? Why is that? Everyone else is after it...

Exactly, we're not into personal data. At ChatPay, we collect conversations to train AI. We don’t need your personal information; we focus on understanding how people communicate. We don't want to sell a tractor to a Polish farmer or offer legal services to an Icelandic lawyer. Instead, we aim to train AI to address different people properly and contextually. This way, we can create smarter AI systems while ensuring your privacy is protected.

Which form of anonymization do you use?

We use advanced anonymization techniques to ensure that all personal data is securely removed from chat conversations. This involves removing or obfuscating any identifiable information to protect user identities while still preserving the value of the conversation data. Moreover, our codebase is publicly available, so anyone can review it to verify our processes. This makes the entire anonymization process fully transparent.

Can you give me an example of how conversations will be anonymized?

Sure! Here’s an example:

Original Conversation:

- John: "Hey everyone, my new email is Also, my phone number changed to 123-456-7890, and I had to move to 456 Elm Street because the police are behind me."
- Lisa: "Thanks, John. I updated your contact info. Here’s the new password to access the documents: P@ssw0rd123. By the way, do you remember our discussion about the project for Macrosoft? We need to finalize it by next week."
- Mike: "Whoa, John, that sounds serious! Stay safe. Lisa, I’ll send you the latest version of the documents to your email tonight."

Anonymized Conversation:

- Friend 1: "Hey everyone, my new email is [Email]. Also, my phone number changed to [Phone Number], and I had to move to [Address] because the police are behind me."
- Friend 2: "Thanks, [Friend 1]. I updated your contact info. Here’s the new password to access the documents: [Password]. By the way, do you remember our discussion about the project for [Company]? We need to finalize it by next week."
- Friend 3: "Whoa, [Friend 1], that sounds serious! Stay safe. [Friend 2], I’ll send you the latest version of the documents to your email tonight."

In this example, identifiable information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, passwords, and company names are replaced with generic placeholders to ensure privacy while maintaining the context of the conversation.

To whom are my chats sold?

Chat data that users decide to sell is anonymized and then made available to interested third parties. These may include AI developers, language model trainers, and other organizations focused on improving AI and chatbot technologies. The specifics of each transaction, including the buyer's identity and purpose, will be transparently communicated to users.

Why does your UI suck?

We’re a bunch of backend wizards who speak C and C++ fluently but are still learning the magic of React and CSS. Think of us as the chefs who make a killer stew but are still figuring out how to plate it nicely. We're working on leveling up our UI game, so stay tuned for improvements! And hey, if you have any tips or tricks, we're all ears!

Who are you and why did you start ChatPay?

We are five students from 42 Berlin who came together to create ChatPay. Here’s a bit about each of us:
Léonard Mangallon ( Worked in education before tech and witnessed the localization companies shifting to data collection: the idea for ChatPay is born.
Daniil Tolmacov ( The fake intern, the one we dump backend work on because he works fast and efficiently.
Michael Rizhakov ( The business and crypto guru, Michael has extensive experience in international business development.
Daniel Gomez Arango ( The trader, Daniel has experience trading crypto and know the Web3 world and its values.
Stefano Lombardo ( The task slayer: Stefano makes sure no task is left uncompleted and the team keep high standards.

We started ChatPay to revolutionize how people can monetize their chats while maintaining privacy and security.

Your data, your consent, your money